Boxing Championship: How Is it Scored?

Boxing is a sport in which two people throw punches at each other for a preset time in a boxing ring.
The history of boxing dates back into 688 BC and have its origin in the ancient Greeks .
Boxing championship advanced from 16th- and 18th-century, largely in Great Britain, to the forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-19th century with the 1867 introduction of the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.
Boxing championship Rules
So how exactly are the winners declared in boxing championship matches? and how are sessions scored? Let’s analyze that.
In a Boxing championship we have a number of three judges. They usually sit at ringside and give scores for each boxer in every round.
There is a 10-Point Must system which they adhere to, and the winner of each round automatically gets 10 points, and the loser gets 9 points. If the loser's opponent scores a knockdown the loser gets a further 1-point deduction, or a 10-8 score.
Two knockdowns cost 2 points, resulting in a 10-7 score. If both boxers get knocked down, there are no deductions.
If both boxers are seen to be even and no one gets knocked down, both boxers could get 10 points, or a judge could score it 10-9 in favor of the boxer that caused the most damage.
A 9-9 score only occurs if the winning boxer of the round is penalized by the referee due to a foul.
The factors that the judges consider when scoring are: 1. effective aggression
2. Defense
3. Clean punching
4. Ring command.
At the end of the boxing match, the judges' tallies for both boxers are added up.
Outside of a knockout (KO) or a disqualification, there are 4 possible decisions that can be made, based on the scorecards of each judge.

The points themselves are based on five-, 10- or 20-point systems, but they all work the same. In a 10-point system, the boxer who wins a round is given 10 points, and the other boxer gets nine points.
If there was a knockdown in the round, or one boxer utterly dominated the round, the score may be 10-8. If a judge can't decide who won the round, it is scored 10-10.
Boxing Championship decisions:
Unanimous decision - The three judges score the same boxer as the winner.
Split decision -Two judges score in favor of one boxer (the winner), and one judge scores in favor of the other.
Majority decision - Two judges score for one boxer (the winner) and one judge scores the match a draw.
Draw - One judge scores in favor of one boxer, one judge scores in favor of the other, and one judge scores the match a draw. Neither boxer wins the match.
A KO in boxing championship match on the other hand is declared when a boxer gets knocked down and fails to recover before the end of the referee's count which is usually an 8-count or a 10-count.
If the referee resolves to stop the championship match due to injury from a fair or legal punch, the injured boxer loses by a technical knockout (TKO).
An injury may be a cut, abrasion, or excessive swelling, according to the World Boxing Council (WBC).
Fouls in Boxing Championship
We have point deductions which happens when a boxer commits a foul. A foul is decided on by the referee and can cost a warning, point deduction, or disqualification.
If the foul is intentional which causes an injury and the immediate stoppage of the bout, the fighter who caused the injury is disqualified.
But if the referee allows the fight to continue, the boxer who caused the foul gets an automatic two-point deduction.
If the injury caused by an intentional foul results in the fight being stopped at a later round, the injured boxer wins either by technical decision (if he leads in the judges' scorecards) or the contest will result to a technical draw (if he is behind or even in the scorecards).
Meanwhile, if the foul is accidental but the bout continues, the uninjured boxer gets a one-point deduction, at the discretion of the referee. If both boxers are injured, there is no point deduction. (This is followed by some boxing associations, like the WBC.)
If the foul causes the bout to stop later (or from the 5th round and beyond), the winner is determined via technical decision. The boxer with the highest score at the time the match was stopped wins.
If the fight is stopped before the 5th round or before 4 completed rounds, it results in a technical draw (for the WBC), or a no-decision or no-contest match (for the World Boxing Federation or WBF).
There you have it folks all you need to know about Boxing championship matches. Remember you can also get here a quality custom made boxing championship belts at discounted prices in our shops.
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